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have a drink, knit a sweater, relax...

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Can anyone explain to me how to post buttons? I can't seem to figure it out from Blogger Help.

Funny Knitting-Related Story:

I'm an actress in NYC, currently doing a play, and I knit in my dressing room when I'm not on stage. The other night, I had forgotten my pattern, so I called my husband and asked him to read it to me.

Pattern: Dec 1 st, (knit to marker, yo, pm, k1, yo) four times, k to end.

What he read: December 1st Street knit to marker yo (as in the street slang "yo") PM KL yo...

You get the idea.

I was so hyseterical I almost missed an entrance.


My first Angelica:

Stephanie Japel's Angelica. For pattern, go to: http://www.hipknits.co.uk/patterns.htm

It's got a kinda Betty Boop thing going on, which is good in some ways and not so good in others. I think I like the drape that Stephanie has going on in her version. Will probably go up a size when I make subsequent sweaters.

Currently awaiting silk yarn from HipKnits for two sweaters:

Friday, April 07, 2006

1st Post

I'm not really as prepared as I'd like to be to start blogging, but I've been wanting to join the knitting blog scene for a while now, so today I decided to just jump in with both feet. I guess I'll figure this whole thing out as I go.