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have a drink, knit a sweater, relax...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Knitter's Shame & Gift Mania

I hate it when my husband buys a scarf! I think, "But I knit! I'll make you a scarf. Another scarf. What color do you want?" I hate buying sweaters for myself because I know I could make it myself. Better.

But, seriously, how much time is there? Not enough. Not nearly enough to knit up all the things I imagine in my mind. Which is why I own enough yarn to open a franchise of shops across the North American Continent.

To combat what I call "Knitter's Shame", I've been on a knitting binge this past month. (Of course this hasn't stopped me from actually purchasing yarn...) Working one major project: The Big Cable Coat; AND several smaller projects: Birthday Gifts. More specifically: Joelle Hoverson's Kerchief Scarf from Last Minute Knitted Gifts, a project that claims to take less than two hours, but which really takes at least four or five. Unless you knit with super-human speed.

I've made two Kerchief Scarves this week for two different birthday girls:


Kelly's scarf is knit with Handmaiden's 4-ply cashmere.

and Christine

Christine's scarf is knit with The Fibre Company's Terra in Sea Holly.

And I have one to go (for Annie). I have now learned enough about the pattern to know I like to modify it with short row shaping which you can see in Christine's scarf. I think the bulky nature of a knitted kerchief lays better if shaped. ALSO since Annie's party is tomorrow, I have more than six hours to knit! (I was late to the first two parties because I was frantically knitting.)

The Kerchief Scarf is a great last minute gift, don't get me wrong. I just recommend that you allow a full afternoon or evening so you don't cramp out your hands.

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