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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Annie's Kerchief Scarf

Third time's a charm:
Annie's Kerchief with notes
Again, this is a modification of Joelle Hoverson's Kerchief Scarf from her book Last-Minute Knitted Gifts.

Mark the center stitch. I like to use two markers, one on either side:
Annie's Kerchief in progress

A little over halfway through (and continuing the edge shaping of the original pattern):
*Work short rows on the right half of the scarf, beginning with the st next to center marker, and then every 5 sts.
*Likewise, work short rows on the left half of the scarf.
*Work 12 rows straight.
*Work another set of short rows on each side, this time beginning with the 10th st from center marker.
*Work 12 rows straight.
*Finally, work a single short row on each side, wrapping the 10th st from center marker.
*Work 5-10 more rows.
*Bind off.

This modification is especially good if you don't have quite enough yarn required for the pattern.

The final product:
Annie's Kerchief with Vintage Pin

What could it be?
For me?  Yay!

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